Sunday, May 12, 2019

The Death of Moore's Law is Changing the World - Short Version

Moore's law has lead to exponential computational growth over the past 50 years, but it's been dead since roughly 2010. The consequences are incredibly important, and listed below in reverse chronological order (future events come first, past events come last):

  1. Increased global income inequality;
  2. The rise of China's influence at the expense of the U.S.'s leadership hegemony;
  3. Increased tension between workers and capitalists;
  4. Worker productivity becoming flat;
  5. Stagnant technological innovation in computers and healthcare;
  6. More reliance on branding, advertising, and influence as a marker of value;
  7. Greater reliance on custom computer chips (ASICs) rather than general purpose processors;
  8. The transition to cloud computing;
These issues, some which have already happened, and some which will happen, are a direct result of the death of Moore's law. I don't have space to put out an explanation right now, but will try to follow up.

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